måndag 24 mars 2014

Our joyful moments - week 12/52

Tulips - I can't think of something more typical this year. I buy a bunch of them almost every week. This little bouquet smells heavenly. Ally photographed her new camera on a pile with lovely travel books.

#ourjoyfulmoments is a collaborative project stretching across the world (Tasmania and Sweden) in which we are sharing the little moments that delight us each week.  

Oh, I'm having some real issues with up-loading pictures. My photo looks very grey and dull when I up-load it. Fortunately I could copy it from Allys blog. What is this all about!?

Tulpaner - jag kan inte tänka mig något som känns mer vårvinter än så. Det blir en bunt nästan varje vecka. Den här lilla buketten doftar helt underbart. Ally har fotat sin nya kamera och en hög med härliga guideböcker.

Oj, vilka problem jag har fått med mina bilder. Färgerna blir alldeles knepiga. Den här bilden bilden fick jag länka in från Allys blog. Någon som vet mer?

7 kommentarer:

beautifully, suddenly 24 mars 2014 kl. 23:07  

Those tulips are so beautiful!

PS. I have been having the same issue with uploading photographs, but have found that images look duller in preview, and then better when published (?!).

Lina 25 mars 2014 kl. 14:13  

Vet inte något om färgerna men jag vet att det är en fantastiskt fin bild! Kram!

selvännäkijä 26 mars 2014 kl. 06:54  

The flower really caught my attention here cause i never been have this kind of flower in my table while reading a tarot card in Finland .Well no doubt that it is really beautiful.

Fröken Fräken 26 mars 2014 kl. 17:07  

Det där med blommande växter funkar inte så bra hos mig, de verkar självdö redan i påsen på väg hem så nu nöjer jag mig med att se blommande blommor på bild hos andra!

Tyvärr vet jag inget om felet med uppladdade bilder, har inte haft det problemet hos mig.

fjord girl 29 mars 2014 kl. 21:18  

Jatte fina bilder Karin!
Ser ut til at varen har kommit hos er.

Nancy // and while we are here 31 mars 2014 kl. 13:56  

I love the first picture - it's so bright and looks so tender. Fantastic.

I also had issues loading up pictures. By searching the Internet I learn about the Auto Enhance function of Google+(which I have for blogger). By removing this function in my account settings I solved the problem. Maybe it solves yours too, here is the link: https://support.google.com/plus/answer/3338435?hl=en

Katy Noelle 12 juni 2014 kl. 22:44  

I, also, noticed (right around the time of this post?) that my images were being auto 'enhanced' when I uploaded to Blogger in my Picasa web album. There's a box there, too, that you can check to stop them 'fixing' your photos.

Karin, what flavor of tulips are these? They're incredibly beautiful!! They're not angelique, are they? and such a beautiful image of them - LOVE!!

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