lördag 31 mars 2012

Mood board in March

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Från vinter till vår. Mars har passerat, snart är det påsk men det är redan dags för ytterligare en moodboard. Det är roligt när det finns mer grönt där ute igen! Hur ser det ut hos dig? Är våren kommen?

Vill du också anta utmaningen? Varje månad skapar vi en "moodboard" med det som natur och trädgård har att erbjuda den aktuella månaden. Du väljer själv helt fritt hur du arrangerar och fotograferar. Lämna en kommentar till det här inlägget så länkar jag tillbaka din blogg.

Vi skapar moodboards varje månad: Karin A fotografi, Sabinas foto, Fotodagboken,Vid Vätterns strand, Trädgården på höjden, LissenTo, Timjan och akleja, Everyday miracles, Rosor, magnolia och mycket mer, Ai loves this.

Önskar er alla en fin helg och härlig start på april!

From winter to spring. March is almost over, it's soon Easter and it's already time for another mood board. I love the fact that it's getting greener outdoors. Is it spring (or autumn) where you live now?.

Do you want join the challenge? Each month we will create a "mood board" with things that the nature and/or the garden has to offer. You choose how to arrange and photograph. Leave a comment on this post and I'll link back your blog.

We create monthly mood boards: Karin A photography, Sabinas foto, Fotodagboken, Vid Vätterns strand, Trädgården på höjden, LissenTo, Timjan och akleja, Everyday miracles, Rosor, magnolia och mycket mer, Ai loves this.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

lördag 17 mars 2012

Artful Blogging


One day last autumn I was contacted by Editor Jennifer Taylor at Stampington, who had selected my blog to be a part of the spring edition of Artful Blogging. A little while ago I got the issue in my hands and I must say that the magazine is more beautiful than I could have imagined. I was thrilled to read my article in a magazine (a wish come true) and to see my photographs among all the other inspiring, warm and gorgeous blogs (not least my friend Georgianna). Thank you Stampington for featuring my blog – I feel so honored! 

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When I got the question about writing an article for the magazine my first thought was can I and what can I write about that is worth sharing in magazine!? I decided to write from my heart and to choose a topic that I feel passionate about. When I started to write the words just came to me. I wrote about my love of different seasons, about capturing the different seasons with a camera and about living here and now and to appreciate that. I also wanted to share my tips on how a blog can help you to follow the seasons and how to find and create spots where you keep up with the current season. The topic actually gave me the inspiration to start doing the monthly mood boards.

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Artful Blogging is (unfortunately) not for sale here in Sweden/Europe. If you ever get a chance to buy yourself a copy – do it. You won’t be disappointed. The issues are just filled with amazing pictures and beautiful stories. True inspiration! You can preview the current issue here

Last but not least I would like to welcome all new readers! Please leave a little comment so that I can find your blog too and you are more than welcome to share your monthly mood boards with us. It's a fun and easy way to keep up with the season(s)!


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All photos and text copyright Karin A fotografi 2010. Do not copy or use my work without my written permission. Thank you!

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Välkommen till Karin A fotografi! Här på bloggen delar jag med mig av både smått och stort i vardagen. Besök gärna min hemsida för att se mer/fler bilder. Tack för att du kikar in!

Welcome to Karin A photography! My aim with this blog is to share pictures of both big and small things from my every day life. You are welcome to visit my homepage. Thanks for stopping by!

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